We’re committed to that


Andermatt is set amidst the mountain environment of the Swiss Alps. This habitat needs to be protected. With Andermatt Responsible, we are committed to sustainable tourism that preserves resources, and we are pursuing numerous projects.

Andermatt Responsible

Andermatt Responsible is our initiative for climate-friendly and sustainable tourism in the Andermatt region. Our goal is to enable resource-conserving tourism operations. This is because we are convinced that it is in the interest of all of us to protect the Swiss mountains. 

MeasuresEmbedded at all companies

  • undefined

    Error rendering file source/components/bootstrap/elements/Picture/Picture.pug: source/components/bootstrap/elements/Picture/Picture.pug:2 1| > 2| - 3| classes = ['Picture', variant, format, variant, !format && size && 'fixedratio', type] 4| previewSrc = getSizedImage(src, { 5| width: 5, Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    Error: Error rendering file source/components/bootstrap/elements/Picture/Picture.pug:
      > 2| -
        3| 	classes = ['Picture', variant, format, variant, !format && size && 'fixedratio', type]
        4| 	previewSrc = getSizedImage(src, {
        5| 		width: 5,
    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')
        at processFile (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:296:15)
        at processComponent (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:249:20)
        at Object.component (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:178:26)
        at data.component (file:///usr/src/app/make/tasks/stageny.js:155:47)
        at Object.pug_interp [as Component] (eval at wrap (/usr/src/app/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :29:46)
        at Object.eval (eval at wrap (/usr/src/app/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :57:24)
        at Object.template [as render] (eval at wrap (/usr/src/app/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :103:7)
        at processFile (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:293:23)
        at processComponent (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:249:20)
        at Object.component (file:///usr/src/app/node_modules/@stageny/base/dist/lib/base.js:178:26)

    The Chedi Andermatt

    Five-star deluxe in sustainability
    The Chedi Andermatt
