Investor relations
Trust through transparency

Andermatt Swiss Alps AG is an unlisted limited company (Aktiengesellschaft) whose shares are held by Orascom Development Holding (49 %) and Samih Sawiris (51 %). The company's registered office is in Andermatt (UR), Switzerland. Here, we report about our business activity and present the most important financial indicators.

Our business activity.The financial indicators

Andermatt Swiss Alps AG is an unlisted limited company (Aktiengesellschaft) whose shares are held by Orascom Development Holding (49 %) and Samih Sawiris (51 %). The company's registered office is in Andermatt (UR), Switzerland. Here, we report about our business activity and present the most important financial indicators.

Our finances.Reports in detail

Andermatt Swiss Alps creates transparency for investors and other stakeholders. Complete financial reporting is consistent with our corporate governance. We have provided all financial information here.

Figures.Graphically prepared

More than one billion Swiss francs have been invested since the start of the project. Along with the investments, sales have also risen steadily.
  • Sales volume

    in CHF million
  • Accumulated investments

    in CHF million

News.For investors

We publish relevant news and indicators at regular intervals for our investors, who can also access them here at any time.


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